Wednesday, 8 October 2014


The main theme of this mannequin but I decided to base my final photo shoot on still life, I did research on historical and contemporary photographers who based there theme on mannequin.  I liked Madame Peripetie the most out of the photographers I chose because of the bright colours she uses and how unique her work is.

The task for the diptych with the accessories I chose to do a shoe and a watch against a black marble tiling because I wanted to make the two most important things stand out the most and this is what I thought would make them stand out.

When I did the shoot for the mannequin and model I took some really good images but when I went to transfer them onto the computer most of them has corrupted because of the kind of image they was, so I had to use the ones I had.

The still life shoot went really well because I had images that where really bright and really dark so I had to change the settings on the camera to make the image just right.

When I did my photo shoot I chose to do jewellery because I wanted to capture the beauty in one of the necklaces my great grandmother give me before she passed away. I did different effect on the final images because I wanted to see it in different contrasts and different colours. I was going to do another photo shoot with a model because I wanted to do two different photo shoots on the necklace because of how much it means to me but when I went to my location the model didn’t turn up so I just did one photo shoot. I was really impressed with my photo shoot with the necklace because I got the images I wanted and when I planned my shoot. The research I did for task1 influenced me because I like how Madame Peripetie used accessories in her work and makes them stand out more than the model. 

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