Thursday, 4 June 2015

Risk Assesment

Assessment Reference:
Activity Description:

Ashleigh Peacock

Review Date:

Assessment Team Members:

Overall Potential Risk Factor:
Course Details:
ED Photography

Number of People Exposed:

Names of People Exposed:
Ashleigh peacock
Building-Place & Exact Location
Is This An Acceptable Risk?

Persons At Risk and How
Existing Control Measures
What are you currently doing to prevent it?
Risk Level
Additional Control Measures
What else do you need to do?
Risk Level
Make sure too look at surroundings
Make sure the area is clear
Make sure not stood on anything that’s slippy
Make sure its not wet

Target Audience

Target Audience-

My Target Audience will be for people who like landscape and nature photography and for also people who enjoy the countryside. If i was too see my images around places i would probably see them in a country magazine and around little shops in the countryside.

Shoot Planning

I plan too take my images in the Yorkshire dales in a place called Hawes. i plan too shoot at about 9am until about 12pm. i will be taking pictures of landscapes but i would like to get animals into my images aswell because of how it shows the aspect of countryside life. I will be shooting on Digital and Film because i want too compare the two different styles and too see how the contrasts turn out in them both too see which one looks better.

things i will need.
Memory card x2

Film Camera
Film x2

Film Shoot

this is my film shoot. i liked this shoot because of the contrasting colours and because i can compare them too the digital photos that i took that day aswell.


This is my Final shoot, i took this images in hawes in the yorkshire dales,  from the start until the white block i liked this images because of how i got to experiment with shutter speeds at night time. i think that if i wasnt as cold as if was i would have taken some more images. the next set of images i like because of how they meet my planning with getting landscape and animals into the same criteria. i think that if it wasnt such a dull day i could have got some better images but i am happy with how some of these turned out.

Sun shoot

This was my first shoot about how the sun changes the contrast of a picture.

Mood Boards and research

 Landscape photography shows spaces within the world, sometimes vast and unending, but other times microscopic. Landscape photographs typically capture the presence of nature but can also focus on man-made features or disturbances of landscapes.                   

 Sports photography refers to the genre of photography that covers all types of sports.In the majority of cases, professional sports photography is a branch of photojournalism, while amateur sports photography, such as photos of children playing association football, is a branch of vernacular photography.The main application of professional sports photography is for editorial purposes; dedicated sports photographers usually work for newspapers, major wire agencies or dedicated sports magazines. However, sports photography is also used for advertising purposes both to build a brand and as well as to promote a sport in a way that cannot be accomplished by editorial means.     
  1. Nature- Nature photography refers to a wide range of photography taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements such as landscapes, wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural scenes and textures.

Fashion- Fashion photography is a genre of photography devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items. Fashion photography is most often conducted for advertisements or fashion magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, or Elle. Over time, fashion photography has developed its own aesthetic in which the clothes and fashions are enhanced by the presence of exotic locations or accessories.


Charlie Waite is firmly established as one of the world’s leading Landscape photographers. His photographic style is often considered to be unique, in that his photographs convey an almost spiritual quality of serenity and calm. Charlie's photographs are held in private and corporate collections throughout the world, and he has held numerous solo exhibitions at prestigious venues in the UK, Japan and the USA

Peter Watson is an English landscape photographer whose career started in his teenage years when he photographed and produced his own black & white prints in an improvised darkroom. They were sold in a local gallery and this early success encouraged him to pursue a career as a photographer. He studied art and graphic design and in 1993 obtained a diploma in photography from the New York Institute of Photography. 


The Genre of photography I chose to do was landscape. I chose landscape because you can do a lot of different things with it such as take pictures of different times of the day.

The photographers that inspired me were Charlie Waite and Peter Watson

Charlie Waite is firmly established as one of the world’s leading Landscape photographers. His photographic style is often considered to be unique, in that his photographs convey an almost spiritual quality of serenity and calm. Charlie's photographs are held in private and corporate collections throughout the world, and he has held numerous solo exhibitions at prestigious venues in the UK, Japan and the USA. I like Charlie Waite’s photography because he mainly shoots in black and white using slow shutter speeds to create very atmospheric images.

Peter Watson is an English landscape photographer whose career started in his teenage years when he photographed and produced his own black & white prints in an improvised darkroom. They were sold in a local gallery and this early success encouraged him to pursue a career as a photographer. He studied art and graphic design and in 1993 obtained a diploma in photography from the New York Institute of Photography. I like Peter Watson’s photography because he shoots just after sunrise rather than mid-day, sunset and night time.

My plan is too take pictures at different times of the day and to also capture some animals in the shots as well because where I am planning to take my images there will be animals. I plan to shoot on Colour Film and Digital because I want to see the difference between the two but mainly I like to shoot on film because of how you can see the grain in the image when you process it in the dark room.

My location for my shoot is Hawes in the Yorkshire Dales because it’s a place I have never been and it looks really nice to photograph for location. I will also be shooting closer to home in Bradford city centre which should act as a contrast to the rural scenes.

At the end of this project I am hoping to have about 8 images that are going to be my final images. I will have some black and white dark room images and some digital images.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Processing Labs

Photographic processing labs
. ProAm Imaging is a photo processing laboratory based in Bradford. They offer digital prints, film processing, negative prints, photo books, canvas wraps and more. The only lab to ever to win The Societies /SWPP 'Best Professional Lab' for 4 years running. All correctly prepared orders are completed and packed ready for despatch within 24 hours of arrival (website has instructions on how to prepare you images). The prices are really cheap!

Cc Imaging does every type of prints; digital, colour film, black and white film, enlargements, photo books, canvas prints, fibre printing and even lomography. They even offer scanning, art reproduction and retouching services, along with photo gifts (key rings, mug, mouse mats etc.).  Although they offer many services there it take up to 3 days for the print to be ready.  Student get a discount, but only if the image is ‘print ready’, but there are not instructions to what they see as ‘print ready’. The prices are also cheap. 

Wednesday, 15 April 2015


 Man Ray
He is best known for his darkroom photography, his work has been featured in many museums across the world. He is also noted for his photograms which he called “Rayograms” in reference to himself. One of his most famous and successful pieces of work are the “glass tears” which appears in the first plate in a 1934 book of his photographs. 
The emotive expression of the woman's plaintive upward glance and mascara-encrusted lashes look like they are intended to invoke wonder at the cause of her distress. The face, however, is not of a real woman but of a fashion mannequin who cries tears of glistening, round glass beads; the effect is to aestheticize the sentiment her tears would normally express. Man Ray made this photograph in Paris around the time of his breakup with his lover Lee Miller, and the woman's false tears may relate to that event in the artist's life.


Abelardo Morell
He is a Boston based photographer represented by Edwynn Houk Gallery in New York City. He was born in 1948 in Havana, Cuba. Him and his family fled from Cubs in 1962 to move to New York City. In his work, he has done a lot of photography relating to glass such as the many different wine glass photos he's done. I think they are interesting because the glasses are filled with liquids and the objects around them look distorted. 



Monday, 19 January 2015


Studio Lighting Attachments-

Softbox- A Soft box is a type of lighting device used in photography. All the various soft light types create even and diffused light by directing light through some diffusing material, or by bouncing light off a second surface to diffuse the light.

Beauty Dish- As their name implies, beauty dishes are the one type of reflector that is a specialty item. Like all reflectors, the beauty dish fits on the studio flash head, but unlike the other reflector types, the beauty dish has a matte white interior finish. Beauty dishes tone down the harshness of the light to give a nice, soft, diffuse quality... perfect for portraits and nudes. Beauty dishes are kind of large, too - from 16 to 30 inches in diameter. Their size helps to create soft and smooth lighting with clean but not sharp shadows that fall off at the edges. Without a trained eye, you might not see the effects of the beauty dish compared to a properly calibrated umbrella or a soft box with a Lee filter diffusion paper on the front. The beauty dish can be a costly accessory, so you might want to rent one once or twice to get a sense of the photo lighting qualities before purchasing.

Standard reflector dish- Standard reflectors are your everyday reflector for the studio flash head. They’re usually made of metal with a silver matte interior finish, a polished silver finish or a granular metallic finish, and they direct the light output in a 90 to 120-degree beam. A standard reflector is the typical light/reflector set-up for shining the light into bounce cards, through diffusion, and grids or cutters. One thing to know about standard reflectors is that the wider they are, the softer the light you get from the lamp unit. Additionally, the shape and interior finish can affect “softness” of the light. While standard reflectors seem very basic in their usage, they should become a staple in your studio lighting set-ups.

Snoot- In photography, a snoot is a tube or similar object that fits over a studio light or portable flash and allows the photographer to control the direction and radius of the light beam. These may be conical, cylindrical, or rectangular in shape. Snoots can isolate a subject when using a flash.

Soft Light- Soft light is light that creates shadows with a gradual transition from light to dark. There are no hard shadow lines. It is created from a scattered or diffused light source. Soft light is found where the lighting is indirect or where it passes through a diffuser,clouds or some other medium which scatters the light. Diffused light can be light that has bounced off one or more surfaces before it hits a photographic target. Soft light may be created by many light sources which prevents the harsh shadows created by a single hard light source. A soft light source is large relative to the subject being lit and/or close to the subject.

Hard Light- Hard light creates shadows with a sharp edge. There is a negligible transition from light to dark. Hard light is created by strongly focussed light travelling from a small or relatively small, single-point light source like the Sun, a focussed beam of light, or an undiffused light bulb. Hard light is found where the lighting is direct, undiffused, and is not bouncing or scattered by local objects or conditions. The flash on your camera is a hard light source. When direct and undiffused by clouds the sun is also a hard light source. A hard light source is relatively small and/or large and distant.